1.to be involved in a particular situation or activity and influence its development
1.One way to break out of your own self-imposed limitations, take a step out of your comfort zone and build confidence is to play a part.
2.Speaking as an instance of use, therefore, is part of a reciprocal exchange in which both reception and production play a part.
3.Hoping to help hotel human resources management better and for hotels long-term good business development play a part.
4.And he said Hamas must cease what he called terrorist activities if it wanted to play a part in the future of the Palestinian people.
5.You know someone said that the world is a stage and each must play a part.
6.It is not known if other parameters which can also play a part, e. g. , age of lamp, column, were considered when setting these limits.
7.Network intensity and network position play a part of the intermediary role between network competence and firm innovation performance.
8.India celebrates its spring festival of Holi, ending toward the end of March, in which tricks and pranks also play a part.
9.The number one reason is user error, although crashes, fires, floods, theft and viruses all play a part as well.
10.This can be a crucial moment regarding work; perhaps you take on a new and more striking role. Training and wide horizons play a part.